27 hand designed inspirational words and phrases for you to Color and Enjoy in this spiral bound book. These 'Words to LIVE By' give you plenty of chances to focus and meditate as you complete the coloring for each one, alphabetically from Awesome to Zero In.
Also includes 13 mandalas digitally created from several individual word pages, and 8 white on black word images.
You can use these designs for meditation, stress relief, mindfulness and just plain enjoyment of coloring.
Words and phrases include:
AweSome -- BeFriend -- Claim It -- Do It Now -- Easy Peasy -- Free To Be -- Go For It -- HonorAble -- InSpirAtion -- Jump On It -- Keep Going -- Let Go -- Live -- MagiCal -- Never Give Up -- OutStandIng -- Peace -- Quality -- Right On -- Start Now -- The True Path -- UnDenyAble -- VersaTile -- WisDom -- Xlent -- You Got It -- Zero In
With plenty of room for you to add your own embellishments if you wish. Color On!!
Katie is a predominantly self-taught artist/designer who loves creating new ideas and then moving on to the next new thing. She got back in touch with her art and design work while co-writing a fictional series that took waaaaaay too long to finish. In addition to being self-taught, she really does prefer to work alone, on her own schedule, even while she values the input and contribution of others. At least that way there is no one else to blame for missed schedules.